Produto Preço Quantidade Taxa de reserva
× Uliving Paulista Individual Studio - Large Copa - Uliving Paulista - Reserva
1 x R$500,00
R$500,00 1 R$500,00

A taxa de reserva de R$ 500 serve para reservar seu apartamento na Uliving e cobre todos os custos de contrato, anĂ¡lise de crĂ©dito e documentaĂ§Ă£o, necessĂ¡rio para todos os novos moradores. A taxa serĂ¡ reembolsĂ¡vel somente para:

  • anĂ¡lise de perfil ou analise de credito nĂ£o aprovados;

Em outros casos de desistĂªncia, a taxa nĂ£o serĂ¡ reembolsĂ¡vel.

  1. VocĂª receberĂ¡ em atĂ© 48h um e-mail da equipe da Uliving com as instruções das informações e documentaĂ§Ă£o que vocĂª precisa enviar para a anĂ¡lise de crĂ©dito e perfil.
    Os documentos exigidos sĂ£o: Documento Pessoal (RG/CPF ou Passaporte), Comprovante de ResidĂªncia, Comprovante de Renda (Extrato de 3 Meses da Conta Corrente ou Holerite ou Prolabore ou Contrato de Trabalho/PrestaĂ§Ă£o de Serviço).
  2. ApĂ³s a aprovaĂ§Ă£o na anĂ¡lise de crĂ©dito, vocĂª receberĂ¡ o contrato 100% digital para assinatura.
  3. Antes da data de inĂ­cio de mudança, vocĂª precisarĂ¡ quitar o valor da sua primeira mensalidade e o DepĂ³sito de Danos. Esse depĂ³sito Ă© um valor de segurança para cobrir eventuais danos fĂ­sicos no seu espaço no fim do contrato, serĂ¡ devolvido apĂ³s a sua saĂ­da, descontado a taxa de limpeza e os eventuais custos de reparo, se necessĂ¡rio. Essa taxa nĂ£o Ă© reembolsĂ¡vel em caso de desistĂªncia da locaĂ§Ă£o apĂ³s o pagamento da mesma.

Aluguel, assistĂªncia, manutenĂ§Ă£o, internet (cortesia) e orange club (clube de benefĂ­cios e vantagens exclusivo do morador Uliving).

Encargos - taxa de administraĂ§Ă£o do condomĂ­nio (valor total dos encargos mensais serĂ¡ adicionado a mensalidade), taxa variĂ¡vel pelo uso do ar condicionado, lavanderia e limpeza (pay per use) serĂ£o cobrados conforme utilizaĂ§Ă£o.

The booking fee of R$500 is used to reserve your apartment at Uliving and covers all contract costs, credit analysis and documentation, necessary for all new residents. The fee will be refundable only for:

  • students who prove that they have no course subjects made available in person in 2021;
  • profile analysis or credit analysis not approved;
In other cases of withdrawal, the fee will not be refundable.
  1. You will receive within 48 hours an email from the Uliving team with instructions on the information and documentation you need to send for the credit and profile analysis.
    The required documents are: Personal Document (RG / CPF or Passport), Proof of Residence, Proof of Income (Extract from 3 Months of Current Account or Payslip or Prolabore or Employment Contract / Service Provision).
  2. After passing the credit analysis, you will receive the 100% digital contract for signing.
  3. Before the change start date, you will need to pay the amount of your first monthly payment and the Damage Deposit. This deposit is a security value to cover any physical damage to your space at the end of the contract, it will be returned after your departure, minus the cleaning fee and any repair costs, if necessary. This fee is not refundable in case of cancellation of the lease after payment.

Some credit card companies may block purchases in Brazil considering an atypical behavior. If you are unable to complete the reservation, please contact your card company and authorize the purchase or you can use another credit card if you prefer.

Rent, assistance, maintenance, internet (complimentary) and orange club (benefits and advantages club exclusive to Uliving residents).

Charges - condominium administration fee (total amount of monthly charges will be added to the monthly fee), variable fee for the use of air conditioning, laundry and cleaning (pay per use) will be charged according to use.



Taxa de reserva R$500,00
Taxa de reserva R$500,00
